Confession: I’ve not yet grown out of my “fast-fashion” habit. I hope to one day be inspired enough to purge my closet, and start over with the mindset of buying less (and buying only the best quality of clothing and accessories), living out of a “time capsule” wardrobe, mixing and matching just a ...
My Fitness Story
Over the course of the last year, I’ve changed my eating and fitness habits and, as a result, lost almost forty pounds. I’ve been back and forth about sharing my story. It’s a subject that feels weird and a tad uncomfortable to put out there. I still don’t feel 100% confident in discussing it, ...
O Hushed October
"O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild, Should waste them all. ...
Outfit: Flannel + Suede
I was extra excited opening birthday gifts from my mom this year. Somehow, she managed to surprise me with several items I'd been eyeing, but put off purchasing, for weeks. ...
Outfit: 39th Street West
Happy Monday, friends! Jeremy and I just got back from a quick trip to Kansas City, Missouri early yesterday morning. While I was there for a work conference, we were able to bookend a few hours the day before and after to explore! ...
Outfit: Through the Looking Glass
This year marks the 150th anniversary of Lewis Carroll's masterpiece, Alice in Wonderland. ...