I don't think I recall there ever being a year that was so upsetting to so many. I've seen countless memes and posts and videos over the past few weeks and months in which people call out 2016 as being "the absolute worst." And as hard as I try to be a positive person through and through, I'd be ...
Happy Holidays!
We hope you've been enjoying the best that the holiday season has to offer, friends! ...
Snapshots: December at Home
Is December really nearly over? The holiday season has felt so rushed this year – though doesn’t it always? I’ve already made a resolution of sorts to take many more time-outs next year, in days of hurriedness and chaos, to thoroughly enjoy what these seasons are truly all about and, hopefully, ...
Advent Calendar DIY
December is almost here! Isn’t this the month that always seems to both come and go so quickly? Too quickly? I’ve felt like this for years now, and feeling so caused me to think of something, anything I could do to savor it just a little bit more. ...
Shopping for a Cause: 5 Tips for Buying Gifts That Give Back
‘Tis the season for shopping like mad, friends! While it always feels good to search for and choose the perfect present, wrap it up, and watch the joy on the recipient's face as they open it, there are so many ways that we can go above and beyond, for a greater cause, when gifting to our loved ones ...
Hosting a Vegetarian-Friendly Thanksgiving
The countdown to Thanksgiving is on and I’m dreaming of all of the amazing food and conversation and naps to be had! ...